Pastors' Academy
Study Days & Hours


Our Doctrine Study Days blend exegetical, historical, and systematic theology.

They will help you to understand more deeply the implications of doctrine for the individual Christian and the church. The days cover both topics of enduring importance and matters of current controversy.

Our Director, the Revd Dr Garry Williams, teaches our doctrine study days at London Seminary and for groups of pastors around the UK and overseas. The days are also offered online for overseas pastors in different time zones.

Doctrine Day

Preaching the God-Man: Defending and Delighting in the Incarnation. It is taught by Garry Williams. Garry draws insights from the high points of patristic reflection and analytic theology to help us understand more of the coherence and implications of the biblical doctrine. The aim is to make some of the wonderful insights in this rich literature accessible for pastors. Our desire is to help pastors honour the Son by speaking, teaching, and preaching rightly of him.

Upcoming Events
‘Christmas Reformed’

From the Puritans who rejected it to the evangelical church that maxes out on the evangelistic opportunity, opinions on Christmas vary widely. I, Garry Williams, will be teaching ‘Christmas Reformed’ as a series of three online Study Hours starting on 8th November, and the same material as a one-off in-person Study Morning at London Seminary on 30th November. The material will include thinking about the issues in how we observe Christmas (or don’t!), close exegetical work on Matthew 1, and incarnational theology for Christmas-time preaching

See details for this and future events on our Eventbrite page

If you are interested in attending a Doctrine Study day or hosting Garry to teach one, please get in touch.

"It was genuinely useful, because we explored themes that affect and regulate so much week-by-week word ministry; and it was faith-building, because we took a step back and could see once again the magnificence of christ in the depths of his word."

"It was just incredibly edifying, stimulating and helpful in so many ways. I’m so pleased to have been there and so grateful that the day was so clearly taught."

"It was an outstanding day... really helpful in many ways. I look forward to getting more involved with the resources available through the pastors’ academy. Such rigorous biblical-theological training is in my experience rare and precious. Thanks again."