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The Pastoral Training Course

Pastors Training Pastors.

“London Seminary trains and equips those who will proclaim the Gospel, preach the Bible, and practice Christlikeness, by in-depth teaching and practical instruction designed and delivered by outstanding preachers and church pastors with decades of experience.”

Bill James, principal of London Seminary
Bill James
London Seminary Principal
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Pastoral ministry requires not only a thorough grasp of Holy Scripture, but wisdom and maturity.

The Pastoral Training Course at London Seminary is taught by qualified lecturers with lifelong pastoral experience, eager to equip the next generation of preachers and leaders.

Rigorous learning is combined with a rich community life of genuine loving personal relationships and the careful application of Biblical truth to today’s complex world.

We offer a range of flexible delivery options: full-time (2 years), part-time (4 years), modular, in-person or remote.
The Pastoral Training Course programme contains three main elements:


Comprehensive theological training, including:
  • Hebrew and Greek, giving ability to read the Bible in its original languages
  • Substantial modules in Old and New Testaments, Hermeneutics, and Biblical Theology, to inspire strong expository preaching from all parts of Scripture
  • Systematic Theology and Church History, to provide in-depth understanding of the Bible’s major doctrines and see how they have been understood and developed through the history of the church
  • Practical Theology and Contemporary Studies, to help accurately apply Biblical principles to the challenges and opportunities of Christian leadership and mission in the twenty-first century


Practical training, including:
  • Opportunities to develop preaching and other gifts
  • Ministry opportunities through local church membership and church placements


Spiritual formation and growth in godliness:
  • Focus on devotion and godliness in morning worship and prayer partnerships
  • Mentoring by Seminary staff and local church leadership

Enquiry Form

Get in touch to request an application form and get further details about the Pastoral Training Course and fees. Ask about our Visit Mornings either in person or online to sample the course and meet lecturers and students.

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