Pastors' Academy
Study Days


The world is changing, churches are changing, and the work of the pastor therefore is becoming more challenging.

Rooted in Scripture, our Pastoral Study Days give an opportunity to think through crucial areas of ministry together and to hear an experienced voice from outside your situation.

The Pastoral Study Days aim to revive the weary worker, to help the young pastor not to feel overwhelmed, and to give the more seasoned minister new vision. 

One poet has written of our world:  ‘One must think like a hero in order to behave like a merely decent human being.’  Just so, the pastoral study days seek to inspire and make us brave!

Our Director of Pastoral Support, John Benton, teaches these days. They are run at London Seminary and for groups of pastors around the country. To ask about hosting a study day at a location near you, get in touch.

Cost: £15 (please contact us if you are in pastoral ministry and cannot afford this).

Pastoral Study Days
The Pastors’ Academy pastoral team provide study days that will help you think pastorally through the current challenges to Bible Christians and Bible churches.

Please have a look on our events page for our next Pastoral Study day. You can come along or join us online.

"Men and women never struggle so hard as when they struggle alone, without witness, counsellor or confidant; unencouraged, unadvised and unpitied."

Host a Study Day

John Benton is available to speak on a range of other topics related to being a church pastor.

If you are interested in hosting a Pastoral day, please get in touch.

Pastoral Booklets

John Benton has written on a range of other topics related to being a church pastor. Booklets written by John are available here.