Flourish Course In Manchester and Bradford On Avon

It’s been encouraging to see how the Flourish course for women’s workers and pastors’ wives has developed over the past year. Since its launch last September, 20 women have gathered once a month at the Seminary for a day of teaching and fellowship. Feedback has been very positive. The depth of teaching in the mornings in theology and Biblical studies has been much appreciated; in the afternoons, the sessions have again been of a high quality, with more practical material relevant to church ministry.

So it is no surprise that the Flourish course in London beginning in September 2018 is already oversubscribed.

The high demand for this course has led us to launch Flourish in two new locations in September: Manchester and Bradford on Avon. We are aiming for the same high standard of teaching in all three locations, but in Manchester and Bradford on Avon we are particularly pleased that some of the theological teaching will be given by women. Sarah Allen is studying for a Masters in Theology and is a teacher, writer and speaker. Dr Natalie Brand’s PhD thesis was on the theme of Complementarian Spirituality. She is the author of Crazy but True: Connected to Jesus for Life and Prone to Wander: Grace for the Apathetic and Backsliding. She is adjunct lecturer at Union Theological College.

For more information about Flourish North and Flourish South West, and to apply, click here.