Pastoring People with Mental Illness
10:00 am

On the 15th June 2023, Alan Thomas will be with us to help us understand mental illness and how we can pastor people who are struggling with it.

Alan Thomas is Professor of Old Age Psychiatry at Newcastle University where he has led clinical and laboratory studies, mainly in depression and dementia, for over 25 years and has published over 250 research papers. In addition to his book “Tackling Mental Illness Together: A Biblical And Practical Approach“, he has worked as a consultant psychiatrist in the NHS for over 20 years and he has also served as an elder at Newcastle Reformed Evangelical Church since 2005.

The day will go as follows:

10:00am – 10:30 am (arrival/coffee)

10:30 am – Session 1: Understanding Mental Illness.

(An overview of what mental illness is and isn’t and how it relates to physical illness.)

12:00 pm – Session 2: Depression and Burnout

(A look at the different types of depression and the different kinds of help people need.)

1:00pm – Lunch*

2:00pm – Session 3: Anxiety and Stress

(An overview of the different patterns of anxiety/stress related problems.)

*Lunch will be provided – if anyone has any dietary restrictions please email us at