9:00 am (login at 8:45)

Hebrew Study Hours with Dr David Green, vice-principal and lecturer in Hebrew and Old Testament at London Seminary.

The Pastors’ Academy offers biblical Hebrew Study Hours in a format taking account of the needs of busy pastors and preachers:

• Offered online, via Zoom from 9-10 AM with log in and optional chat from 8.45

• A full hour of Hebrew study, with a little login and chat time either side

• 7 sessions per year

• Appropriate for those with a good grounding in biblical Hebrew (even if it’s now ‘rusty’). For example, if you can translate Exodus 20:1-3 at sight, identifying and parsing the verbs, you have a sufficient grounding in biblical Hebrew.

The Study hours will be based around passages in the Hebrew Bible, revising and refreshing grammar as it arises, and discussing exegetical and expositional issues raised by the Hebrew text.

This first sessions will be looking at the Book of Ruth and will consider inter-textualism, verbal motifs and another look at grammatical gender mismatch.

The dates for the other sessions are:

1st November

29th November

17th January

14th February

25th April

23rd May

Tickets are available for all 7 sessions at a discounted price.