Pastors’ Academy: Greek Study Hour
12:00 pm
The aim is to help you maintain and develop your language skills, with a view to deepening your understanding of Scripture and strengthening your preaching. The sessions focus on particular biblical texts, revising and refreshing grammar as it arises, and discussing exegetical and expositional issues. We won’t expose your linguistic competence to scrutiny, but we will invite you to participate actively!
Each session involves a full hour of Greek language study, with a little login and chat time either side.
These sessions are appropriate for those with a good grounding in biblical Greek, even if it is now rusty. For example, if you can translate John 5:24-25 at sight, identifying and parsing the verbs, you have a sufficient grounding to benefit from these sessions.
Greek Study Hours
Stéphane Simonnin, Lecturer in NT Greek at London Seminary, teaches seven Greek Study Hours each academic year. In 2022/ 2023, we will be looking at Peter’s first letter.
• Time: Tuesdays, login 11.45, study hour 12 – 1pm.
• Cost: £15 per session, or all seven sessions for £75 (please contact us if you are in pastoral ministry and cannot afford this).
• Dates:
18 October
15 November
13 December
24 January
21 February
2 May
6 June